
Tax Credits Still on for Ground Source Heat Pump Systems

The tax credits available for ground source heat pump systems or geothermal systems (as they are often called) are still available. Actually the tax credits now have no cap. Earlier, when the Stimulus Bill was initially passed, there was a cap on ground source systems. Now, 30 percent of the entire cost of both equipment and installation is eligible for the tax credit. You should consult with your tax advisor for details and eligibility.

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Testing Carbon Monoxide Detectors Ensures Your Family’s Safety

Because it's colorless and odorless, poisonous carbon monoxide (CO)  gas can kill without warning. CO detectors are vital to protect the health of your family, but just like any important part of your home's safety, these detectors can malfunction from time to time, and their batteries can run low. Because of this, testing carbon monoxide detectors is an important step in protecting your Wellesley MA home and your family's safety.

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What EPA Lead-Safe Certification Means When You Hire A Contractor To Work On Your Home

The health effects of exposure to high levels of lead are very dangerous, especially to babies and children, whose bodies absorb more lead and whose nervous systems are more sensitive to lead's negative effects. But lead is harmful to adults as well.

In many households, lead-based paint is the major danger. When paint is removed during a home renovation project, lead dust can be released into the air, onto surfaces and into soil. Breathing in or unwittingly consuming this dust can cause lead poisoning.

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Routine Air Filter Replacement Is One Key to HVAC Efficiency and Good IAQ

air filter It's easy to become distracted by a busy schedule and forget to change your HVAC system's air filter. Many people are also unaware of the many problems dirty filters can cause for the system itself and for indoor air quality. You should put air filter replacement at the top of your list for monthly home maintenance. You might not need to change it every month, but if you get in the habit, you'll ensure system efficiency and quality indoor air.

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