The health effects of exposure to high levels of lead are very dangerous, especially to babies and children, whose bodies absorb more lead and whose nervous systems are more sensitive to lead's negative effects. But lead is harmful to adults as well.
In many households, lead-based paint is the major danger. When paint is removed during a home renovation project, lead dust can be released into the air, onto surfaces and into soil. Breathing in or unwittingly consuming this dust can cause lead poisoning.
That's the reason the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created a special lead-safety certification program for contractors doing work in your home that may disturb paint.
Contractors who take part in the EPA's lead-safety certification program receive special instruction that helps them minimize and eliminate these risks in three key ways:
- They learn how to isolate the work environment to ensure that any lead that is released remains within a small area.
- They learn techniques to minimize or eliminate the release of lead dust during the project.
- They learn how to sanitize the work area after the project's completion to get rid of any lead dust that may have been released.
Without specialized instruction and certification, contractors may not know how to practice proper lead safety, leading to risks for you and your family. Even repair tasks involving your plumbing or HVAC equipment pose potential dangers. That's why it's important to choose a contractor that's been certified through the EPA program.
We at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning are pleased to participate in this important safety program. If you would like to learn more or schedule plumbing, heating or air conditioning repair or replacement services for your home or business, please don't hesitate to contact us. We serve the the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about Lead-Safe Certification and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning serves the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA. Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!