Start with little things. Make sure that filters for your HVAC appliances are being replaced as directed. If appliances in your home have energy-saving settings, use them. If you don't need super hot water, turn down your water heater's thermostat. Still using incandescent bulbs? Replace them with new CFL bulbs. These tips may not seem like much, but they can be surprisingly helpful.
Once that's done, more major actions may be needed. More subtle areas of waste result from heat going where it shouldn't go. Make sure that your hot water pipes are insulated, as it's less work for the water heater. Check your house for air leaks. Where there's a draft, there's probably a hole that needs to be fixed. If you want to save energy dollars, it's important to give your HVAC system as many advantages as possible.
Finally, there's the option of new appliances. HVAC systems are getting more energy efficient, and if your current one is very old, it may be very helpful to replace it. This goes for many other things in your home as well. Windows, for example, are often culprits in high energy bills. Replacing them can make it easier to heat and cool your home. Washer and dryer units are also high energy users. The older your appliance is, the more likely you'll be able to save energy dollars by replacing it. If you do decide to replace appliances, look for Energy Star certification.
If you want to save energy dollars and need a pro to help you out, look no further than Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning. We serve the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA and are ready to help you lower your energy bills.
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