Coefficient of Performance, or COP
The COP measures the power output of the system divided by the power input. When it comes to more complex processes, more factors go into deducing the power input, but regardless, the output will be in the form of a single number, such as 1 or 3.3. The higher the number, the more efficient the mechanism.
Energy Efficient Ratio, or EER
EER is the output cooling energy (in BTUs) divided by electrical input energy (in Watt-hours). EER it typically measured over the course of an hour. It tells you how efficient the A/C unit is at doing a constant amount of work over a given period of time. Remember, this is energy, not power. Again, the higher the number returned by EER, the better.
Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio, or SEER
SEER is similar to EER, but it's designed to take into account the variations in conditions that can occur over long periods of time, hence the use of the term "seasonal." The calculations get pretty complex, but what you need to know is that the larger the number, the better the system's efficiency.
For more information on SEER, EER and COP, or for other home comfort needs, contact Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning today. We’ve been proudly serving the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA since 1928.
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