Optimizing air quality when remodeling part of your current house or constructing a new home comes down to four basic areas that you'll want to concentrate on. Paying attention to each of these can go a long way toward maintaining good air quality.
- Radon-reducing techniques - Radon is one of the most dangerous gases that can be found in a person's home. Exposure can cause extreme illness and even death. When constructing a new home or rebuilding your existing one, check with your contractor for ways to reduce the possibility of elevated levels of radon.
- Proper drainage and foundation sealing - Mold can be a huge detriment against optimizing air quality in your home. It can develop anywhere in your house where water's present. By sealing your home's foundation and utilizing proper drainage, you can considerably reduce the amount of water buildup and the risk for mold.
- Mechanical filtration system - Using a mechanical filtration system can work wonders in cleaning your air. While fresh air leaks from outside through the cracks and holes around your home, a mechanical system utilizes a series of fans and vents that pull in fresh air from outside your home while pushing the polluted air outside.
- Properly installed appliances - Improperly installed appliances can lead to pollutants being released into your air unnecessarily. For example, your furnace must have a quality vent or flue in order to get rid of combustion particles.
For more expert advice about optimizing air quality, or for questions relating to home comfort, please contact the friendly professionals at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We've been serving the HVAC needs of the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA for more than 80 years.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
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