You already know that programmable thermostats allow you to ensure that your home is always comfortable when it’s occupied and alter the temperature and save money on your energy bills when it’s not. Most models allow you to program your thermostat for seven days at a time, for the five weekdays and then the weekend, or for the five weekdays and Saturday and Sunday separately.
If you remember the days when phones were still tethered to a wall by a long, gangly cord, then you’ll be especially delighted with the other bells and whistles found on many programmable thermostats.
Here are some programmable thermostat options:
- The ability to connect to your HVAC system via your iPhone or an Internet connection so that you can change the thermostat setting remotely. This is especially useful on those days when the weatherman just didn’t get it right.
- Indicators that warn you when it’s time to change your air filter or when your HVAC system is in danger of malfunctioning.
- Updates from your utility company on the latest gas and electricity rates.
- Automatic temperature readjustments for daylight savings time.
- The ability to quickly restore your saved settings after a power surge or power outage.
- Daily override and vacation mode options.
- Touch-screen and back-lit displays.
Don’t forget a fundamental advantage of programmable thermostats: They can save you up to 15 percent a year on your utility bills.
For more information about programmable thermostats or any other HVAC related issue, contact the pros at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We've proudly served the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA since 1928.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
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