Do you know that there are different types of humidification systems available for your home? A portable room humidifier works to add moisture to the air in a single room, but requires frequent refilling. If the door to that room is left open, humidity will escape to other rooms meaning the room in which the humidifier is placed will not reach the desired set point. In essence, a portable humidifier cannot provide the comfort and save humidity level capable of a whole house humidifier.
Did you know that their are programmable thermostats that can control the delivery of the humidity from a whole house humidifier? Essentially, instead of moist air being delivered through your portable humidifier, it is delivered directly through the ductwork of your heating system, so the moist air is distributed evenly throughout your home.
Do you believe that during the coldest winter months, humidity isn't really an issue? It is. If humidity levels in your home are too low, the result is dry air. This can result in itchy skin, air that fosters germs which can cause illness, as well as chipping paint and cracked wood floors. During the winter seasons when it is extremely cold, humidification systems help balance the moisture in the air, making it more comfortable and healthier for your family. A programmable thermostat with a humidity control feature allows you to control humidity levels directly from the thermostat.
Not having an efficient method of humidity control for your homes humidity can result in the growth of mold and other harmful bacteria, if the humidity level remains high. This results in cool moist air that is capable of supporting mold and mildew. If you have your heat turned down and a portable or whole-house humidifier running a good portion of the time, your home is a prime environment for mold growth.
Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning services customers in the communities surrounding the Route 495/128 area in Wellesley MA.
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