Installing a high-efficiency air conditioner will help you increase your savings without compromising your comfort. And the end of the cooling season is not a bad time to buy, getting yourself all set for next summer. While high-efficiency A/Cs tend to be more expensive than less efficient units, they can help decrease your utility costs and offer considerable savings over the long term.
How high efficiency air conditioners save you money
High-efficiency A/Cs typically utilize two-stage compressors that allow the units to run using two different operation speeds: low and high. This feature will automatically adjust its speed depending on the cooling load. And it runs more often at its lower speed, which can meet the cooling load on a majority of summer days. Less efficient single-compressor A/Cs, on the other hand, utilize one compressor running at maximum efficiency at all times. To prevent over-cooling a room, it will run on an off-and-on cycle. This shut-down and start-up cycling requires more power and makes A/C components more vulnerable to wear-and-tear, reducing their life span. High-efficiency A/Cs with a two-stage compressor not only use less energy, but they will last longer.
High-efficiency air conditioners will also generally utilize variable-speed air handlers. Unlike single-speed counterparts, variable-speed air handlers can control the release of cooled air more precisely. And they tend to operate using a lower speed, providing not only a continuous release of cooled air to evenly control home temperatures, but also saving on operating costs. Single-speed systems, on the other hand, run at a single speed -- high -- thus requiring more energy to operate. With high-efficiency A/Cs, there is less demand on resources and more savings over the long term.
A high-efficiency air conditioner may cost more up front when purchasing, but its low lifetime costs in terms of energy savings and reduced wear and tear are significant -- and they'll help you recoup your investment quickly. To learn more about the cost-saving advantages of a high-efficiency air conditioner, get in touch with our experts at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We serve the Route 495/198 area of Wellesley MA.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about air conditioners and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
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