Gas Furnace Pros and Cons
Natural gas furnaces are more efficient overall than oil furnaces, with AFUE ratings of 89 to 98 percent common today, as compared to modern oil furnaces, which have AFUE ratings of 80 to 90 percent.
Gas furnaces require less maintenance, with only one or two service visits needed annually, depending on the model, while oil furnaces require more frequent maintenance due to soot buildup and oil filter changes.
Gas furnaces also tend to be quieter and cleaner to operate, and natural gas costs as little as a third of the price per heating season.
On the other hand, gas furnaces tend to be more expensive than their oil counterparts, by up to 25 percent for the most efficient models, and your home must be located in an area that has natural gas service installed.
Oil Furnace Pros and Cons
Oil furnaces are convenient because they can be installed in remote areas that aren't serviced by natural gas lines. The home heating oil is delivered as needed by a fuel company, and typically routine furnace maintenance is included as part of the delivery contract. Oil furnaces are less expensive than comparable gas furnaces, and they often produce more heat per BTU of fuel used.
The major disadvantages of oil furnaces include the requirement for on-site fuel storage and the higher expense of home heating oil per heating season. Oil isn't as clean-burning as gas, requiring more frequent maintenance, and oil furnaces tend to be louder and less efficient than gas models.
For more information about the differences between gas and oil furnaces, talk to our home heating professionals at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. We've served the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA since 1928.
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