If your air conditioner is 10 to 15 years old, it may still keep you cool, but it also may be costing you more than you know. New high-efficiency air conditioning systems can cut operating costs significantly. EnergyStar, a program of the federal government, says replacing an A/C that's more than 12 years old with a qualified model could cut your cooling costs by 30 percent.
During the past decade, the focus has been on building systems that are more cost-effective to operate. For one thing, new systems have better cycling. High-efficiency air conditioning systems cycle through the cooling process more effectively. Older systems start and stop often, using more electricity. Newer ones cycle longer, creating better air movement. This eliminates hot and cold spots and saves energy costs by reducing the number of starts and stops.
Two more reasons to consider replacing your old air conditioner with a high-efficiency system:
- Nickel-and-dime repairs add up. Parts wear out in older air conditioners. You replace a part or two. Then other parts wear out. Then you replace those. You keep paying, both for the additional parts and for the service calls.
- Warranties. Most older systems are no longer covered. New systems often have warranties that cover both parts and service charges.
Rodenhiser carries EnergyStar-qualified high-efficiency air conditioning systems. We also employ certified technicians who install to manufacturers' specifications so your warranty will be ironclad. Please contact us anytime if we can answer questions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about high-efficiency air conditioning and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning serves the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.