In winter, we are hostages of the outside environment. There is more activity inside the home by more members of the family than any other time. Air filters perform their greatest function at these times.
Pet hair and dander, cigarette smoke and allergens stay in our homes in greater concentrations when the house is sealed up to keep warm air in. As we move, dust and allergens are stirred up and move through ducting to the air filters.
Dry winter air makes our clothing electrostatic. As we go out of the home to shops, stores, work and schools, debris and dust, dander and allergens cling to our clothing more readily. We bring them back into our home where the circulating air picks them up. Eventually, they make their way through the heating system to the air filters.
Clogged filters do not allow the free flow of air into the furnace system. A furnace has to work even harder to move warm air throughout the home. Bitter winter weather makes furnaces work at nearly maximum capacity. In order to keep the free flow and circulation of heat into the home and the removal of pollutants into the return air ducts, our filters should be replaced or at least checked once a month. Our health and the health of our heating system depends on clean air.
Every system is different and having expert advice can help you get the most from your investment. The professionals at Rodenhiser want to be your partners in home comfort. Give us a call if we can answer any questions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about changing air filters and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning serves the Route 495/128 area of Wellesley MA. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.