
What Are the Benefits of Using a Whole-House Humidifier in a Wellesley MA Home?

whole-house humidifierAs the weather becomes colder and your home's air starts to dry out, consider the benefits of a whole-house humidifier to solve the problems low humidity causes. Overly dry air affects you and your health, along with home electronics and anything made from wood. When air cools off, it can't hold as much humidity, and as temperatures drop and you turn on the heating system, the relative humidity indoors will fall even further. 

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Humidifier Maintenance Tips

A whole-house humidifier, as a part of the heating system, has multiple benefits. It reduces dry, indoor air, eliminates static electricity inside the home, keeps our sinus and respiratory membranes from getting too dry and makes our winter heat feel more comfortable. A humidifier also saves us money by allowing us to cut the thermostat down a degree or two. Moist air feels warmer than dry air and the added moisture offers more comfort with less energy usage.

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Humidifiers: Portable Or Whole House?

types of humidifiers, Wellesley MADry air in the home can cause discomfort as well as respiratory problems for occupants within the home. Ideally you’ll want to strive for a 30 to 50 percent humidity level. This is where humidifiers enter the picture to help maintain that ideal humidity, particularly in cold, dry Wellesley MA winters.

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Humidification Systems in Your Home Can Work Wonders for Your Comfort

humidification systemsWhen it comes to your home comfort, air quality is just as important as air temperature, if not more. In fact, if anyone in your home is in poor health or suffers from asthma, maintaining an excellent level of air quality in your home is extremely important. Along with air filter replacement and keeping your ducts clean, humidification systems can make an impact on your home's air quality.

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