
Your Air Conditioner: Is A Tune-Up On Your Spring To-Do List?

air conditioner tune-up, Boston, Wellesley MAIt’s easy to become complacent about your air conditioner — that big, boxy home system that we think should give us two decades of reliable service.  But “should” is the operative word here, because Ol’ Faithful depends on you to provide regular maintenance checks to help it go the distance. So if a tune-up isn’t on your spring to-do list, it should be.

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Why HEPA Filtration Can Significantly Boost Indoor Air Quality

hepa filtration, Boston, Wellesley MAThere are many undesirable particles floating through our air, such as pollution, cigarette smoke, pet dander, mold spores, dirt and even bacteria. For those of us who live in or near a city, such as the Greater Boston area, air conditions can often be even worse. And while you cannot control the air outside, you can help control the air in your home.

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Furnace Noises: Avoid Potential Problems With Preventive Maintenance

furnace noises, Boston, Wellesley MABy staying on top of preventive maintenance for your furnace, you can help to ensure that common, problematic furnace noises don't become an issue in your household. The fact is, once you start to notice that your equipment is making low, rumbling, or high-pitched squealing noises, a more serious issue is likely already present, and a repair is almost certain to be necessary.

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A Red-Tagged Furnace Requires Expert Care And Advice

red-tagged furnace, Boston, Wellesley MAA red-tagged furnace may occur if an inspector determines that your furnace has a cracked heat exchanger. While the inspector may not actually put a red tag on the furnace, if he tells you that you have a red-tagged furnace, there are some serious choices looming. And an expert HVAC technician who can properly advise you on what to do should guide these choices.

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Insulate or Replace Your Ductwork for Better Efficiency

ductwork, Boston, Wellesley MAThere are statistics that cause you to shake your head, and then there are statistics that move you to action. Here's one that fits the latter category: In most homes with forced-air heating and cooling systems, about 20 percent of the air that moves through the air ducts leaks because of holes and poor connections.

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